Saturday, September 23, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 19 : Pre-wedding Chronicles

Ilakiya woke up early on the day of her nalungu ceremony, her heart filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the final pre-wedding ritual before her wedding ceremony the next morning and it was an important tradition in her culture.
As Ilakiya got ready for her nalungu ceremony, she couldn't help but think about the memories of Anbu, her ex-lover. She knew that the relationship was short-lived, but the memories of it will last her lifetime. She regrets that the sweet time had come to an end, but she knew that she had to move on and focus on the present.
Ilakiya was getting married to Suresh, the groom chosen by her parents and whom she had loved before she met Anbu. She realized that life does not always end up like we desire it to be. Sometimes, we have to accept the reality and move on from there. It was a difficult decision for her to make, but she knew it was for the best.
As she sat down on the wooden plank for the nalungu ceremony, Ilakiya took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts of Anbu to the back of her mind. She focused on the present, on the love and support of her family and friends, and on the future she would be building with Suresh.
The nalungu ceremony was an important tradition in her culture and she wanted to fully embrace it. As her maternal uncles, aunts, and close family friends smeared her face with turmeric and sandal paste, Ilakiya couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the new chapter in her life that was about to begin. Ilakiya thanked each of them with a smile and gave away 'kaalaanji' as a token of appreciation.
One of her favorite aunts, Mrs. Kavya, sat beside her and held her hand. "I can't believe my favorite niece is all grown up and ready to enter marital bliss," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. Ilakiya couldn't help but cry a little too, feeling the overwhelming emotions of the day.
Mrs. Kavya hugged her tightly and said, "Ilakiya, my dear, you have a huge responsibility and pride of our family on your shoulders. You are not just representing yourself, but you are representing the entire family. As a bride, it's important to maintain the family's honor and respect. Make sure to be good to your in-laws, respect them and their customs. Also, make sure to gain a good reputation among them. Remember, any bad reputation will tarnish the pride of our family."
Ilakiya could feel her heart heavy with the weight of the responsibility that she was taking on. She knew that maintaining the family's honor and respect was of utmost importance. She didn't want to disappoint her family or tarnish their reputation.
"I understand, athé. I will make sure to be good to my in-laws, respect them and their customs, and maintain a good reputation among them," Ilakiya replied in a choked voice, wiping her tears.
Mrs. Kavya smiled and hugged Ilakiya again, "I know you will, my dear. You are a strong and responsible girl. But remember, If you ever need anything or have any problems, don't hesitate to come to me. I will always be here for you."
Ilakiya hugged her aunt back, feeling grateful for her love and support. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for the journey ahead, ready to take on the responsibility and pride of her family

She resolved to leave memories of Anbu behind. She had loved him deeply, and the thought of him still pained her. She had seen him at places, but avoided making any eye contact, she knew that it was best for both of them if they moved on. Ilakiya even went as far as to threaten Anbu through messages, asking him not to contact her or attend her wedding. Though her actions may have seemed cruel, she knew it was for his own good. He deserved to move on and find happiness, just as she was doing with Suresh.

Ilakiya couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she thought about the memories of Anbu. But she knew that it was time to close that chapter of her life and move forward with Suresh. 

She closed her eyes and prayed that Anbu finds a better soulmate and is blessed with all the happiness in the world. Without her realizing, tears started flowing from her eyes.

Mrs. Kavya, who was sitting beside her, noticed her tears and embraced her. "Don't worry dear," she said, "Everything will be fine."

 Ilakiya nodded, feeling comforted by her aunt's words. She took a deep breath and wiped her tears. She knew she had to be strong for herself and for her family. She would make sure to build a strong and loving relationship with Suresh, and make her family proud.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 18 : The Fall and Rise of Anbu

Anbu had always thought that his relationship with Ilakiya was unbreakable. They had shared countless happy memories together and had built a life full of dreams and plans for the future. They laughed together, dreamed together, and loved each other unconditionally. He had never felt this way about anyone before and he thought that they were meant to be together forever.
But, when Ilakiya abruptly ended things, it felt like a bomb had exploded in his life. He couldn't understand why she would do this to him, and the feelings of anger, hurt, and betrayal consumed him. He couldn't shake off the feeling of rejection and abandonment. He felt like he had lost a part of himself, and he couldn't imagine living without her.
"I can't believe she just left me like this. I gave her everything, my time, my love, my future. And she just throws it all away like it meant nothing to her," Anbu thought to himself, as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened. "How could she do this to me? How could she just walk away from everything we had?"
The pain and confusion he felt was overwhelming, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal. He had invested so much of himself into the relationship and now it was gone, and he was left with nothing but a broken heart and a feeling of emptiness
Anbu tried desperately to reach out to Ilakiya, to understand the reason for the break-up, but all his attempts were met with failure. He sent her countless text messages and left voicemails, pleading with her to talk to him, to explain what had gone wrong.
"Ilakiya please, I just want to talk. I need to understand why you did this."
"I'm sorry if I did something wrong, please tell me so I can fix it."
"I love you, please don't do this to me."
However, none of his messages ever reached her. She had blocked him on all social networks and changed her phone number. He realized that she didn't want to have any contact with him, and his messages were just falling on deaf ears. He felt like he had been erased from her life, and it was a constant reminder of the rejection and abandonment he felt. He felt like he was hitting a dead end, and the more he tried to reach her, the more he felt the pain of rejection.
Anbu's mind was consumed with thoughts of Ilakiya, leaving him unable to focus on anything else. The constant rumination over their relationship and the reasons for its end took a toll on his mental and physical well-being. He found himself struggling to sleep and eat, losing weight and energy at an alarming rate. He dropped over 10kg in a month, his clothes were loose and he looked gaunt.
His mother noticed the change in him and confronted him about his weight loss. "Anbu, what's going on? You've lost so much weight, are you not eating? Is everything okay?" she asked with concern in her voice.
Anbu ignored her and just shrugged, "I'm fine, just busy with work," he replied, avoiding her gaze.
"I can't believe she's gone, and I don't know why. I can't focus on anything else, I can't even paint or write anymore," Anbu thought to himself, as he sat alone in his room, staring at the blank canvas in front of him. "I used to find solace in my art and music, but now it all feels pointless without her."
Anbu's performance at work started to degrade as his obsession with Ilakiya consumed him. He found it difficult to focus on his tasks and became increasingly distracted, neglecting his responsibilities and making mistakes. His colleagues and supervisors began to notice the change in his behavior and started to express their concerns.
His colleagues would notice his constant distraction and ask, "Anbu, is everything okay? You've been distant lately, and your work is suffering."
He would reply, "I'm fine, just a lot on my mind."
His supervisor would pull him aside and say "Anbu, I'm worried about you, your work has been slipping and you've been making mistakes. I need you to focus, or we may have to consider other options."
Anbu knew that his behavior was affecting his work, but he couldn't shake off the thoughts of Ilakiya. He realized that he needed to do something about it before it was too late.
Anbu became obsessed with understanding the reason behind Ilakiya's sudden departure from his life. He spent hours stalking her online, going through her social media profiles, and trying to gather information from mutual friends. He was desperate to know more about her future husband, marriage plans, and other aspects of her life. He would see her pictures online, smiling and happy, with her fiance and it was like a knife through his heart. The images haunted him, fueling his anger and desire for revenge. He couldn't accept that she was happy while he was left in a state of pain and suffering.
"How could she do this to me? How could she just use me when she needed me and then abandon me like I'm nothing? I can't believe she'd be so inhumane," Anbu thought to himself as he stared at a picture of Ilakiya and her fiance. "I have to make her pay, I have to make her feel the same pain that I'm feeling."
His obsession with understanding why she left him and seeking revenge was all-consuming, it was affecting his mental and physical well-being, his relationships
Anbu became fixated on the idea of getting revenge on Ilakiya, and he would stop at nothing to make her feel the same pain that he was feeling. He began sending her hate messages via anonymous social media profiles, using vile and abusive language to try and hurt her. He spent all of his time and energy trying to find new ways to make her suffer, even going so far as to stalk her in person. 
He would show up at her college and usual hangout spots uninvited, watching her from a distance, and trying to intimidate her. His behavior became increasingly disturbing and obsessive, as he became consumed with the idea of making Ilakiya pay for what she had done to him.
Anbu's behavior became increasingly erratic and unstable as his obsession with revenge consumed him. He became increasingly aggressive and short-tempered, lashing out at anyone who crossed his path. His once kind and gentle demeanor had been replaced with a constant anger and hostility.
His friends and family noticed the change in him and started to distance themselves. They couldn't deal with his constant outbursts and negative attitude. They were worried about him and tried to intervene, but he would just push them away.
His best friend, Ram, confronted him, "Anbu, what's going on with you? You're not yourself anymore. You're always angry and lashing out at people."
Anbu replied, "Dude, just leave me alone."
His sister, Sowmi, also tried to reach out to him, "Anbu, we're worried about you. You're not the same person anymore. You're always so angry and distant."
Anbu just shrugged her off and said, "Don't you have other things to do? Don't go around poking your nose in my business."
His behavior started to affect his relationships and career, as he became increasingly difficult to deal with. His colleagues and supervisors started to avoid him, and he started to lose his friends. He was consumed by his obsession and was unable to see the damage it was causing to himself and the people around him.
His once-promising career also started to suffer as a result of his behavior. He would miss deadlines, neglect his responsibilities and make mistakes that cost the company. His colleagues and supervisors started to lose faith in his abilities, and he was passed over for promotions and opportunities. He was in danger of losing his job, and his reputation in the industry was at stake.
One day, his boss Mr. Vannia called him into his office for a meeting.
"Anbu, I need to talk to you about your work performance. At first impression, you seemed to me like a promising candidate for my position some day. I had high hopes for you. But lately, your performance has been slipping, you've been missing deadlines and making mistakes," Mr. Vannia said, with a stern look on his face."Are you having any personal problems?"
Anbu tried to defend himself, "I'm sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind lately."
"That's not an excuse, Anbu. Your work is suffering and it's affecting your future prospects in the company," Mr. Vannia replied. "I'm telling you this because I care about you. Take a few days off. Solve your problems. It would be such a shame if we let a talent like yours go to waste due to personal problems."
Anbu knew that his behavior was affecting his work, but he couldn't shake off the thoughts of Ilakiya. He realized that he needed to do something about it before it was too late. He realized that his obsession with revenge was not only hurting Ilakiya but also himself and the people around him
He realized that Ilakiya was not worth the pain he had caused himself and others. He finally decided to let go of his anger and moved on. 
Mr. Vannia noticed Anbu's renewed resolve from his expression and suggested, "Anbu, I think you need to get some help. I suggest you take a look at this yoga institution, they have some really good meditation classes that helped me maintain focus amidst difficult situations I faced before."
He handed Anbu a pamphlet and continued, "It's worth a shot, and it won't hurt to try. It helped me, and I'm sure it will help you too."
Anbu took the pamphlet and looked at it. To his surprise, one of the main coordinators of the organization was his college friend Geetha. He couldn't believe that the person who could help him was someone he knew.
Anbu thanked Mr. Vannia for the suggestion and left the office.
He called Geetha, "Hey Geetha, it's Anbu. I heard you're working at this yoga institution, I think I need some help, can I join your classes?"
Geetha replied with excitement, "Anbu! It's so good to hear from you. Yes, of course, I'll be happy to help you. When can you come to our next class?"
Anbu realized that the help he needed was right in front of him all along, and he was grateful that Mr. Vannia suggested the yoga institution and that he reconnected with Geetha.
During the class, Anbu opened up to Geetha about his obsession with Ilakiya and how it had consumed him.
Geetha listened patiently and then said, "Anbu, you need to let go of the past and focus on the present. You can't change what happened, but you can control how you react to it. Through meditation and yoga, you can learn to let go of your anger and find peace within yourself."
Anbu decided to follow her guidance, and with time, he hoped to let go of his anger and obsession. He started working on finding peace within himself and to move on with his life. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 17 : A Revelation And A Warning

Anbu was left reeling from heartbreak when Ilakiya abruptly ended their relationship without any explanation. He was unable to comprehend the reason for the breakup and couldn't recall any specific instances where he may have made a mistake. The sudden and unexplained nature of the breakup left him feeling confused and in disbelief.
As he tried to make sense of the situation, Anbu couldn't shake off a nagging thought that had been plaguing him since the day of their breakup. He noticed that Ilakiya was wearing a gold ring on her finger, one that he didn't recognize. It wasn't the white gold ring he had gifted her when he proposed. 
The memory of the proposal, the heartfelt note he had written for her, was still fresh in his mind.

"My dearest Ilakiya,
The moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. Every day since then, my love for you has only grown stronger. You make my heart skip a beat with just a smile, and I cannot imagine my life without you.
I want to spend every moment of every day by your side, building a future filled with love and happiness. I want to wake up every morning to your beautiful face and fall asleep every night with you in my arms.
With this ring, I ask you to be my partner, my confidant, my best friend, and my forever love. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
Yours forever,

Anbu nervously got down on one knee in the picturesque Titiwangsa Park, holding the ring and the note tightly in his hand. Ilakiya looked at him, her eyes filled with love and curiosity. He took a deep breath and began to read the heartfelt words he had written for her. As he spoke, Ilakiya's eyes welled up with happy tears and a smile spread across her face.
When he asked her to be his wife, she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and whispering a joyful "yes." Anbu slipped the ring on her finger, and they both looked at it, admiring how the ring sparkled in the sunlight. Ilakiya couldn't stop smiling and tears of happiness were streaming down her face. They shared a kiss, sealing their love and commitment to each other.
The park around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the moment, surrounded by love and happiness. It was a moment he would treasure forever.
Anbu couldn't understand what had happened after their holiday together. He had no idea why Ilakiya had ended their relationship and there was no way for him to confront her about it as she had blocked him on all communication channels. The sudden and unexplained nature of the breakup left him feeling confused and desperate for answers. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something had changed between them, but without the ability to communicate with Ilakiya, he was left in the dark.
Anbu found solace in listening to the melodies of Ilayaraja, a musician he had always loved. He would often listen to Ilayaraja's music when he was feeling down or needed to relax. The music was a reminder of happier times and had a way of soothing his troubled mind. As he listened, it felt like the music was speaking to him, comforting him and helping him to make sense of his emotions.
Anbu found himself browsing online on MIRC, as he used to do, but this time he was not in the mood to chat with anyone. Suddenly, he received a direct message from a familiar nickname, Ilakiya86.
Ilakiya86: Hi, I need to tell you something important.
Anbu was surprised and taken aback by the unexpected message. He couldn't imagine what Ilakiya could have to say to him.
Anbu82: Hi Ilakiya, how long have I waited to hear from you. How are you? I've missed you do much.
Ilakiya86: I am already engaged and my marriage is coming soon.
The news hit Anbu like a bolt from the blue, leaving him reeling with shock and confusion. He didn't know how to react or what to say, the conversation was not what he was expecting at all.
Anbu82: What do you mean?
Ilakiya86: I'm sorry Anbu, I should have told you earlier. I have been engaged for the past one year and initially planned to conduct the marriage after graduation. But due to unavoidable circumstances, the marriage got expedited.
Anbu felt cheated, deceived. He had been the fool in this relationship. She played the double game. He couldn't think of anything to say, he was speechless.
Anbu82: I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden and unexpected.
Ilakiya86: I understand it might be hard for you to accept, but please try to understand my situation. And please don't make any attempt to contact me or attend my wedding ceremony.
As she typed the messages, Anbu received an alert for a file transfer request. He accepted it and downloaded it to find it was a scanned copy of her wedding invitation. The shock of the news hit him even harder now that he saw the proof of her forthcoming marriage. He felt a mix of emotions, anger, hurt, betrayal and also a feeling of being used.
Anbu82: I can't believe this is happening. I feel like I have been used.
Ilakiya86: I am sorry Anbu, I never intended to hurt you. But please understand my situation.
Anbu couldn't understand how she could have been engaged to someone else and still be in a relationship with him. He felt like he was living in a nightmare and he needed time to come to terms with it all.
Ilakiya86: And please don't make any attempt to contact me or attend my wedding ceremony. And I want you to delete all evidence of our relationship. If I find any evidence surfaced anywhere to tarnish my image and respect, you will meet dire consequences.
Anbu was furious upon reading this message. He couldn't believe that she would threaten him like that after keeping him in the dark about her engagement and using him. He felt like he was being punished for something he didn't know about.
Anbu: This is ridiculous. How can you threaten me like this? You played games with my heart and now you want me to forget everything we had?
Ilakiya86: I am sorry if it seems like a threat, but I have to protect my family's reputation and my future.
Anbu: You'll never find peace and happiness anywhere in the world!
With that, Ilakiya went offline, leaving Anbu alone with his thoughts and emotions. He was left feeling angry, hurt and betrayed by the person he thought he loved. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had been used and that all their relationship was based on a lie. He was speechless and didn't know what to do next. He was still in the state of shock, anger and hurt from the betrayal he faced.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 16 : Lost Love

Anbu couldn't believe what was happening. He had been in a blissful relationship with Ilakiya for several weeks and everything seemed to be going great. They had recently returned from a romantic holiday at Genting Highlands and everything seemed perfect.
When he dropped her off at the station, he noticed a sudden change in Ilakiya's behavior. She was crying and refusing to say goodbye to him.
Anbu's heart sank as he walked away after dropping her off. He couldn't understand why she was acting this way.
After that, Ilakiya completely stopped speaking to him.
Anbu couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and he didn't know what to do about it. 
Anbu's heart ached as he realized that Ilakiya was avoiding him. Thought of losing her made him feel lost and alone. 
At first, he tried to brush it off, thinking that she was just tired and needed rest, but as the days passed, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong.
He sent messages, but they weren't going through. He called her, but the calls either got cut off or declined. He could sense that the intimacy they had shared was gone
Anbu was at a loss. He couldn't understand why the woman he loved was pushing him away. He had tried to give her space, thinking it would help her open up to him, but it only seemed to make things worse.
Ilakiya became more distant and Anbu felt like he was losing her. He didn't know how to reach her or what to do to fix things. The thought of losing her was tearing him apart. He felt confused, hurt, and helpless in the face of her growing distance. He didn't know if he should try harder to reach her or if he should just let her go. The uncertainty was eating away at him and he didn't know how much longer he could take it.
He knew he needed answers, and he knew it was time to confront Ilakiya. He mustered up the courage to go to her college to talk to her in person.
He found her sitting alone on a bench, staring off into the distance.
Anbu: "Ilakiya, we need to talk. What's going on?"
Ilakiya: (sighing) "Anbu, I don't know what to say. I just need some space right now. And why are coming here to my college without informing?"
He was struck by disbelief and couldn't understand why the woman he loved was shutting him out.
Anbu's heart sank as he heard the coldness in her voice. He felt a sense of desperation creeping in as he tried to make her understand.
Anbu: "Space? What does that even mean? I don't understand what's going on. I thought things were going great between us. If you had responded to any of my messages, I wouldn't need to come like this."
Ilakiya: "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that, I've been going through some personal stuff and I need to focus on myself right now."
Anbu felt a sense of betrayal wash over him. He couldn't understand why she hadn't told him what was going on.
Anbu: "Personal stuff? Am I a stranger? Why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you. I thought we were in this together."
Ilakiya: "Please understand. I just needed to figure things out on my own. Leave me alone."
Anbu: "I don't understand. Does this mean our relationship is over?"
Ilakiya: (tears welling up in her eyes) "Yes, I think so, Anbu. It's all meaningless."
Anbu felt his heart shatter as she spoke those words. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost the woman he loved. He watched her walk away, tears streaming down his face, feeling lost and alone.
He turned and walked away, a broken man. He couldn't understand why Ilakiya had shut him out, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost the woman he loved forever.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 15 : The Marriage Rush

Mr. Gopi and his wife, Mrs. Vijayalaxshmi, were in shock when they received the news from Mrs. Meera. Their daughter, a college student who they had always believed to be focused and dedicated, was suddenly at the center of a scandal.

The accusation from their soon-to-be son-in-law that their daughter had been staying out with another man at a luxury hotel in Genting Highlands was too much to bear. Mr. Gopi felt a heavy ache in his chest as he and his wife rushed overnight to PJ, determined to get to the bottom of the truth.

As they drove through the night, the rain pounding against the windshield, Mr. Gopi couldn't shake off the feeling of dread in his chest. His mind kept replaying the words of the accusation, a constant loop of disbelief and confusion. Beside him, Mrs. Vijayalaxshmi sat in silence, her own thoughts consumed with the same feelings of betrayal and disappointment.

When they finally arrived in PJ, the couple wasted no time in finding their daughter. Mr. Gopi's heart was pounding as he knocked on her door, his wife standing by his side. 

The door wasn't locked. They let themselves in.

Mrs. Viiayalaxshmi hugged her daughter, tears streaming down her face. 

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Meera," Mr. Gopi said, turning to the woman who had called them with the news. "We had no idea that our daughter was capable of such behavior."

Mrs. Meera, looking fatigued and fought off drowsiness nodded tiredly, "It's alright. I understand. I know it's hard for you to accept this."

Suresh, Ilakiya's soon-to-be husband, was visibly upset. He couldn't bring himself to look at Ilakiya or her parents. "I can't believe this," he muttered, shaking his head.

"Suresh," Mr. Gopi said, "we understand that you are hurt and angry. We apologize for the pain and embarrassment our daughter has caused you."

Suresh nodded at Gopi's apology without saying a word. 

Gopi turned to Ilakiya. "Who is that boy you've been with?" he asked. "And what happened at the hotel?" He assured her, "I still believe you, but I need to clear up the accusations against you."

Ilakiya took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she began to speak. "I know you both have questions about Anbu and what happened at the hotel," she said, looking at Suresh and Gopi. "I want to explain everything to you."

"For a while now, I've been feeling suffocated in my relationship with Suresh. His constant need to control every aspect of my life left me feeling trapped and suffocated. I found solace in Anbu's company, someone whom I met online. He listened to me and didn't try to control me. I only started spending time with him to escape this environment I was in."

She paused, looking at Suresh with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I know it's hard to understand, but please believe me when I say that I never crossed any boundaries."

Gopi's relief was short-lived as he was still worried about the potential backlash from his family and society. He couldn't help but shed tears, overwhelmed by the weight of the situation.

Ilakiya, noticing her father's distress, stepped in. "I'll do whatever it takes to prove my innocence," she said determinedly. "Even if that means undergoing a virginity test."

"It won't be necessary," Mrs. Meera said firmly. "We trust Ilakiya and we know she's innocent. We don't need to prove anything to anyone."

She turned to Gopi and reassured him, "As of now, the only people who know about this are in this room. We can prevent further incidents like this from happening if we conduct Ilakiya's marriage as soon as possible."

Mrs. Meera then turned to Suresh, "I trust Ilakiya and you should too. You have to accept her for who she is."

Suresh nodded, understanding his mother's words. "I agree," he said. "Let's move forward and make the necessary arrangements for the marriage."

Mrs. Meera, not taking any chances, instructed Ilakiya to destroy all evidence of her relationship with Anbu immediately. Ilakiya, with a heavy heart, agreed to her mother in law's request. She deleted all of Anbu's messages and photos from her phone and blocked his contact number. Suresh, still visibly upset, collected all of the gifts Anbu had given to Ilakiya and burned them in the bin in the wee hours in the morning.

As the flames consumed the last remnants of her past relationship, Ilakiya knew that she had to put it all behind her and move on. The thought of forgetting the good times she had shared with Anbu was painful, but she knew it was necessary for the sake of her family's reputation and her future marriage. She steeled herself for the road ahead, ready to face whatever challenges came her way.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 14 : The Confrontation

Ilakiya and Anbu stood outside the Taman Bahagia LRT station, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Ilakiya couldn't bring herself to let go, knowing that this might be the last time they would see each other.

"I don't want to say goodbye," Ilakiya whispered through tears.

"Don't be sad, my love," Anbu replied, holding her tighter. "This is just temporary. We'll be together again once we tie the knot. I promise."

Ilakiya knew that it was easier said than done. She had not yet told Anbu that she was already engaged to another man.

They shared a final kiss before reluctantly pulling away from each other. Ilakiya couldn't help but feel a heavy weight in her chest as she watched Anbu walk away to his car.

Ilakiya hailed a taxi and headed to her fiancé's house nearby the station. Her mind was still heavy with thoughts of Anbu and their time together. As the taxi pulled away, she spotted a familiar figure standing in the shadows, concealed in the darkness. It was Suresh, her fiancé. He looked furious as he glared at her. Ilakiya couldn't recognize the figure as the taxi passed.

On the way home, Ilakiya's mind was racing. Ilakiya couldn't help but feel guilty for hurting Suresh, but she knew that she couldn't let him control her happiness. She contemplated on how to break the secret to him. What she didn't know was that Suresh had already seen through her deception and uncovered the lie.

When Ilakiya arrived at home, Suresh was waiting for her, his face etched with anger and frustration.

"Ilakiya, we need to talk," Suresh said, his voice tight with emotion.

"What is it, Suresh?" Ilakiya asked, her heart sinking.

"I saw you with that guy today," Suresh spat out, his voice full of accusation. "I can't believe you would do this to me. We're engaged, Ilakiya. How could you cheat on me like that?"

Ilakiya's heart raced as she realized that Suresh had indeed seen her with Anbu. She didn't know what to say, she never thought Suresh would stalk on her like that.

"Suresh, I didn't mean to cheat on you," Ilakiya said, her voice shaking. "I was trying to find the right time to tell you about Anbu and me."

"We're still engaged and you're staying under my roof. Didn't it occur to you to discuss with me first before taking things on your own hands?" Suresh exclaimed. "I can't believe you would go see other men while still engaged to me."

Ilakiya's heart sank at his words. She knew that she couldn't marry Suresh, not when her heart belongs to Anbu.

"Suresh, I can't marry you," Ilakiya said, her voice firm. "I care about you, but I fell out of love with you. I'm sorry."

Suresh's face fell, and he looked at Ilakiya with hurt and betrayal in his eyes. "Fine," he said, his voice cold. "But know that you'll regret this decision." And with that, he stormed out of the house, leaving Ilakiya alone to contemplate the consequences of her actions.

Ilakiya knew that she had made the right decision, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for hurting Suresh. She knew that their relationship would never be the same again. She sat down on the couch, tears streaming down her face, as she thought about Anbu and the love she had for him.

Hearing all the commotion, Mrs Meera rushed out of the room. She was shocked to see Ilakiya crying. 

"Ilakiya, what's going on?" Mrs. Meera asked, her voice filled with concern as she sat down beside Ilakiya and put an arm around her. "Why are you crying? And what's this ring and note doing here?,"she asked as she shifted her sight to objects on the coffee table opposite them.

Ilakiya was shocked see the objects she had tried to hide laid bare on the table in front. She didn't answer. Her tears still flowing.

Mrs. Meera examined the note. Her expression turned serious.

"Are you seeing someone else, Ilakiya?" Mrs. Meera asked, her voice now filled with anger. "Is that why you're crying? Did you cheat on Suresh?"

Ilakiya still didn't answer, her sobs making it difficult for her to speak.

Mrs. Meera felt her anger growing. She got up from the couch and took out her phone. She dialed Mr. Gopi, Ilakiya's father and explained the commotion.

"Mr. Gopi, I don't know what to do," Mrs. Meera said, her voice shaking with emotion. "Ilakiya is crying and there's a ring and note here. I think she's seeing someone else."

"What!" Mr. Gopi exclaimed on the other end of the line. "I can't believe this. My daughter, cheating on her fiancé? I'm disappointed in her behavior."

Mrs. Meera could hear the disappointment and anger in Mr. Gopi's voice. She didn't know what to say, she's also confused about Ilakiya's behavior.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gopi," Mrs. Meera said, her voice apologetic. "I don't know what to do. Ilakiya won't speak to me."

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Mr. Gopi said, his voice stern. "We need to talk to Ilakiya and find out what's going on."

Mrs. Meera hung up the phone and turned to Ilakiya, who was still crying on the couch. She didn't know what to do or say to make her stop crying.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 13 : The Momentous Night

Anbu and Ilakiya arrived at the luxurious First World hotel, and Anbu immediately went to book two separate rooms for the night stay. As he was about to finalize the booking, Ilakiya came up to him and asked, "Why waste the money on two rooms when we could share the same room? It'll be more cost-effective and we'll get to spend more time together."

Anbu was initially hesitant. But he realized that if she was open to the idea of staying in the same room, he didn't mind. He turned to Ilakiya and said, "Are you sure you're comfortable with that? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Ilakiya jokingly replied, "If we behave well, there's nothing to worry about. Just don't have any naughty ideas."

Anbu jokingly replied with a smile, "I'll try my best, but with a beautiful princess around, it will be a very hard task." Ilakiya's face turned red as she became shy.

They checked in and made their way to their room. Ilakiya couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the spacious and elegant room. Anbu had splurged and got them a room with a balcony overlooking the theme park. The room was decorated with warm colors and had a comfortable king-sized bed in the middle. Ilakiya couldn't help but feel excited to spend the night there.

As they settled in, Anbu walked up behind Ilakiya, wrapping his arms around her waist. He looked at her through the vanity mirror and said, "I'm glad you're comfortable with this. I want to make sure you're happy and have a good time." Ilakiya smiled and leaned into his embrace, feeling safe and secure in his arms.

"I am, thank you. This room is amazing, and I'm looking forward to spending the night here with you," said Ilakiya.

They spent the evening exploring the hotel and enjoying the amenities it had to offer. They had dinner at the hotel's fine-dining restaurant, and then went to the rooftop bar to enjoy the view of the KL city from the mountain at night.

As they returned to their room, Ilakiya turned to Anbu and said, "Thank you for arranging this holiday, it's been a wonderful day and I want this moment with you to last forever."

Anbu smiled, "I'm glad you're enjoying it. I want to make sure you have the best time possible."

As Ilakiya and Anbu were getting ready to go to bed, Ilakiya's phone vibrated with a message. She quickly checked it and her expression changed. Anbu noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ilakiya hesitated for a moment before responding with a smile, "Oh, it's nothing. Just a message from mom." She quickly typed out a reply and winked at Anbu, trying to reassure him.

But before she could put her phone down, it vibrated again with more messages. Ilakiya's expression grew concerned as she read through them. She quickly replied to each one and then put her phone on block mode to divert away incoming calls.

Anbu was already bothered by the ring on her finger earlier, and now these back to back alerts too. He tried not to show his concern and casually said, "That ring on your finger is nice. Where did you get it?"

Ilakiya smiled and explained where she got it from, trying to change the subject and ease the tension in the air.

"Oh, it's just a ring my mother gave me. I wear it when I miss her."

Anbu smiled, "I see. It's a beautiful ring."

"What about the one I gave you?" asked Anbu, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Ilakiya hesitated for a moment before responding, "Don't worry, dear. I have it safe with me," while kissing him on the forehead. She couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth, that she was already engaged to someone else.

Anbu could sense something was off, but didn't want to push the topic. He cared about Ilakiya deeply and didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Ilakiya felt guilty for not being honest with Anbu from the start. She knew it would be difficult to tell him the truth, but she felt it was the right thing to do. She made a mental note to talk to him soon about her engagement and the future of their relationship.

For now, Ilakiya just wanted to snuggle with Anbu and enjoy this night together. She pushed her worries and guilt aside, wanting to make the most of their time together. With all the problems she had, this was the least she could do. She knew that anything could happen tomorrow, but for tonight she wanted to just be with Anbu and make happy memories.

As they got under the blanket and hugged each other, Ilakiya felt content. She knew that she would cherish this moment for the rest of her life. They fell asleep together, holding each other close.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 12 : Good Times

Ilakiya and Anbu finally arrived at Genting Highlands after a short journey. As they reached the summit, they're greeted by the sight of towering skyscrapers and luxury hotels that seem to rise out of the clouds.

The crisp mountain air invigorated the senses and the cool breeze provided a refreshing contrast to the humidity of Kuala Lumpur city.

The resort was alive with activity and excitement, with many attractions and entertainment options. The bright lights and sounds of the casinos and theme parks provided a lively contrast to the peaceful serenity of the surrounding natural beauty.

They were both excited to experience the thrill of the theme parks and the excitement of the casino.

As they walked through the park, Anbu couldn't help but express his excitement to try the rollercoasters, "I can't wait to go on these rollercoasters! They look so exhilarating!"

But Ilakiya was hesitant, "I think I'll just watch you go on the rollercoasters. I prefer something a bit more low-key," she said.

Anbu grinned and nudged Ilakiya playfully, "Come on, Ilakiya, when will you ever get the chance to ride these rollercoasters again? Live a little!"

Ilakiya shook her head, "I appreciate the offer, Anbu, but I think I'll pass. I'm happy just taking in the sights and sounds of the park."

Anbu shrugged and said, "Suit yourself, but you're missing out!"

As they reached a particularly stunning viewpoint, Anbu turned to Ilakiya and said, "Let's take a picture here, it's gorgeous!"

Ilakiya hesitated for a moment before replying, "Anbu, I would rather you didn't take any pictures here. I'm not comfortable with anyone seeing them."

Anbu was taken aback by Ilakiya's response. He looked at her with a questioning expression, "Why not? Are you not having a good time?"

Ilakiya hesitated before replying, "I am having a good time, but I'm afraid that if anyone sees the pictures, it could cause me trouble. I don't want my parents or uncle to know that I'm out with you."

Anbu could sense the discomfort in Ilakiya's voice. 

He took her hand in his, fiddling with the ring on her finger as he spoke. A thought had suddenly snapped in his mind, but he decided to not show it and instead focused on comforting her. 

"Ilakiya, I understand that you're worried about what your parents might think, but we should be able to enjoy our time together without worrying about all that. These pictures are for our memories, and we don't have to show them to anyone if you don't want to. We can keep them between us and no one has to know.

Ilakiya looked at Anbu, and a small smile played on her lips. She realized that he understood her fears and was willing to respect them. "Okay, let's take some pictures," she said.

Anbu smiled, "That sounds like a great idea."

The two of them took some pictures together, capturing the beautiful scenery and their happy memories.

"Alright, how about we hit the casino next? I know you love gambling."

Ilakiya's face lit up with excitement when Anbu suggested they visit the casino. "Yes! Let's go!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Anbu smiled, "Great, I'm glad you're excited. Just remember, there's no pressure to gamble or anything like that. We can just take in the sights and sounds, and enjoy the atmosphere."

Ilakiya nodded, "But I have to admit, my hands are itching to try my luck." She grabbed Anbu's hand and tugged him along excitedly, "Come on. Don't waste time. Let's go!"

As they entered the casino, the bright lights and sounds of the slot machines immediately caught their attention. Ilakiya's eyes were wide with wonder as she looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the casino. Anbu could see the excitement in her eyes, and he couldn't help but smile.

As the sun began to set, they decided to head back to the hotel room and retire for the night. They both had a great day at the theme park. 

However, Anbu's mind was restless. Something about the ring on Ilakiya's finger was bothering him. He tried to push the thought away, focusing on being present in the moment and enjoying their trip together. But as the day went on, the feeling grew stronger and he couldn't ignore it any longer. He realized that he needed to address it, but he didn't want to ruin the day by bringing it up. He decided to wait until they were back at their hotel before discussing it with Ilakiya.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 11 : Rising Suspicion

Suresh lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind raced with thoughts of Ilakiya. He couldn't shake off the feeling that she was slowly slipping away from him. He had always been a possessive lover, but lately, that possessiveness had grown to an almost unbearable level. He couldn't help but wonder if someone else had entered the picture.

Suresh tried to shake off these thoughts, but they lingered in his mind. He couldn't ignore the way Ilakiya had been acting lately. She had become secretive with her phone messages and call logs, always keeping it close to her, never leaving it out of her sight. And even though she said she was going to bed early, Suresh couldn't shake off the feeling that she was lying to him.

He couldn't understand why she had become so distant. It felt like she wasn't keen on his activities anymore, and she seemed distracted all the time. Suresh felt lost and alone in his own home. He didn't know what to do or how to fix the growing rift between them.

But he couldn't give up on Ilakiya, not yet. He loved her too much. He knew he had to get to the bottom of what was going on, even if it meant risking everything. 

Suresh got out of bed, his heart was heavy with the weight of what he was about to do. But he knew it was the only way to save their relationship. He couldn't let Ilakiya slip away without a fight.

He used the "friends and family" feature he had set up with Digi and tracked her location.

To his shock, the location showed that Ilakiya was at Genting Highlands. She was supposed to be at her friend, Jane's place, Kelana Jaya, working on an assignment together. Suresh couldn't believe it, He felt like he was cheated on. He felt his heart pounding with anger and hurt. But he knew he had to remain calm, if he was going to get to the bottom of what was going on.

He picked up his phone and composed a text message to Ilakiya.

Suresh: "Baby, what's up? How's the discussion going with Jane?"

Ilakiya: "Oh, it's good. We had pizza for dinner and we're having fun discussing our project and gossips too. You know how we are..."

Suresh: "That's great. So, where are you now?"

Ilakiya: "We're at Jane's place, why do you ask?"

Suresh: "Nothing. Don't be out too late. Go get some rest."

Suresh felt anger rising in him, Ilakiya was lying to him. He knew he had to confront her but he controlled his anger and decide to call her instead.
He called her but she didn't answer. 

"I'm with the girls, dear. I'll call you back in the morning. Love you," came a text from Ilakiya.

He felt angered and frustrated, but he remained calm and decided to enquire Jane for confirmation.

Suresh: "Hey Jane, how are you? I haven't been able to get in touch with Ilakiya, her phone seems to be off. Did you guys have dinner together? What are you guys up to?"

Jane replied: "Hey Suresh, I'm great. How are you? Both of us are just lepakking at a cafe near my place, Ilakiya left her phone on charger and forgot it. I'll make sure she calls you before she goes to sleep."

Suresh felt his worst fear is becoming true, Ilakiya is hiding something from him. He knows for certain that none of what Jane replied is truth.

The feeling that she might be keeping something from him gnawed at him and he felt that he had to take action. 

He felt guilty and knew that this behavior was not typical for him, but he wanted to conduct a thorough search of her bedroom while she was away. His relationship was in jeopardy and faith had been shattered. He felt that he had to find out the truth and try to save the relationship.

Treading cautiously, he approached Ilakiya's bedroom, taking pains to move silently as not to alert his sleeping mother. His heart raced as he grasped the doorknob, only to discover that it had been locked. He remembered how his mother had established the rule early on, that doors should never be locked in the house unless someone was occupying the room.

But her recent habit of keeping her bedroom door locked at all time only confirmed that she has something to conceal indeed.

He understood that his actions were inappropriate, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. His mind was preoccupied with the idea of unfaithfulness, and he couldn't find peace until he was certain of the reality.

With a heavy heart, he pushed a card through the crack between the door and the frame and unlocked the door to his fiance's bedroom. He opened it carefully, not wanting to wake his sleeping mother. He turned on the light and began searching around for any evidence.

As he sifted through her wardrobe and explored the space beneath her bed, Suresh couldn't help but feel a heavy sense of guilt.

It was while he was investigating that hidden corner, he found a small box. It was tucked away, he pulled it out and opened it, revealing a letter and a piece of jewelry inside. His heart sank as he read the contents of the letter and the reality of betrayal hit him like a ton of bricks, overwhelmed him with sorrow and disappointment.

Suresh exhaled a sigh, his heart splintering into a million fragments. He couldn't fathom that the person he loved could do this to him. He knew he had to talk to her.

But then he reconsidered, he didn't want to act impulsively and create a bigger problem. He decided it would be best to wait for a calmer moment to address the matter with her, rather than confront her in the heat of the moment. He would wait for her to return home and approach the situation with a clear head and deliberate manner.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 10 : The Great Cover Up

Ilakiya was aware that she had to devise a strategy to account for her absence to Suresh during the weekend. She couldn't vanish without providing him an explanation, especially since they were still living together. But she also couldn't reveal to him the truth about her plans to spend time with Anbu. She knew she had to deceive him, to find a way to conceal her intentions.

She pondered for a moment and a thought came to her. She would tell Suresh that she had an assignment to complete over the weekend and would be staying over at her friend Jane's place. It wasn't a complete lie - she did have an assignment to work on, and Jane was a real person. She just wasn't staying at Jane's place.

Ilakiya knew that Suresh would be reluctant to let her go, especially since they were living together and he was used to her being around all the time. She tried to play it off casually as she packed her bags and announced her plans.

"Suresh, I have an assignment that I need to complete over the weekend," she said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "I'm going to be staying at Jane's place to work on it."

"What kind of assignment is it?" Suresh asked, looking skeptical.

"Remember the mooting assignment I told you about? Presentation date is coming soon. We have to do some case studies and preparations ," Ilakiya replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Why do you need to stay over at Jane's place to work on it?" Suresh asked, still not convinced.

"We want to work on it nonstop, so it's easier if we just stay together and work on it," Ilakiya said, trying to sound convincing as the sweat started to bead on her forehead. "It's not really practical to keep cross-referencing over the internet."

"I can drop you off. I know Jane's home. Besides, I'm not busy now," Suresh offered, but Ilakiya knew that would not work.

"Nevermind, It's alright, I'll take the LRT, " Ilakiya declined, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Another friend will also be joining me at the LRT."

"Fine, but why not just ask them to come over here?" Suresh asked, now sounding more suspicious.

"We'll probably stay up all night working on it and your mother won't like the noise during her sleeping time," Ilakiya said, thinking on her feet.

Suresh's demeanor relaxed somewhat, but Ilakiya could still see the disbelief in his eyes. "Alright," he said, his tone conveying that he was not entirely convinced.

Ilakiya felt a wave of relief wash over her. She quickly hugged Suresh and thanked him before leaving the house. But as she walked out the door, Suresh called out to her in a demanding tone, "Just make sure you don't forget to keep in touch with me. Send me message or call every once in a while."

Ilakiya turns around and throws a tantrum, "Why do you always have to be so controlling? I'm a grown woman, I can take care of myself."

Suresh sighs heavily and said, "Fine, do whatever you want. I'm just looking out for you."

Ilakiya left the house, her heart heavy with guilt for lying to Suresh and for making him feel that way. But she knew it was necessary to do so. She couldn't allow Suresh's possessive attitude to limit her actions anymore.
Ilakiya was feeling guilty for misleading him but for now, she choose to put those feelings aside. Her mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of being with Anbu and that's all she can focus on.


Ilakiya was riding the LRT to the prearranged meeting point at Bukit Jalil station, where she was supposed to wait for Anbu. Her mind was racing with concern. She had been so preoccupied with her plans to be with Anbu, that she overlooked an important detail. Suresh also knew Jane, and if he were to contact her at any point over the weekend, Ilakiya's deception would be exposed. "Oh no," she thought.

Acting quickly, she picked up her phone and called Jane. At first, the phone rang and rang, but just as Ilakiya was about to hang up, Jane answered.

"Hey Jane, it's Ilakiya," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

"Hey Ilakiya, what's up?" Jane replied.

"I need to ask you a HUGE favor," Ilakiya said, taking a deep breath. "I told Suresh that I'm staying over at your place this weekend to work on that mooting assignment, but in reality, I'm going to be with Anbu. Please don't ask me where and all. The less you know is better. If Suresh calls, can you please cover for me and tell him that I'm there with you?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Woah, Ilakiya, I don't know if I'm comfortable with lying to Suresh like that. This is too risky. You're going to get into trouble.," Jane said.

"I know, I know. It's asking a lot, and I completely understand if you don't want to do it," Ilakiya said, her heart sinking. "But please, Jane. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't vital. You know what I go through every day. For once I want to escape this reality and spend some time with Anbu. Just for a day. Could you do it for your best friend?"

"Ilakiya, this dangerous game that you're playing with Suresh and Anbu is going to backfire on you one day," warned Jane. "You have to decide, Ilakiya. Either you should stay committed to Suresh or break up with him. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire. The responsibility will fall solely on you."

Ilakiya: "Jane, I know you're trying to help, but you don't understand. I care about both Suresh and Anbu. But lately I'm having doubts about my feelings towards Suresh. Perhaps I committed myself too quickly. At the same time, Anbu checks all my boxes. If I had met Anbu before Suresh, I'm sure I would have chosen Anbu over Suresh."

Jane: "Ilakiya, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You're hurting both Suresh and Anbu by leading them on. You need to make a choice."

Ilakiya: "I know it's not fair, but I can't just turn off my feelings for Anbu. I've been unhappy in my relationship with Suresh for a long time and I believe Anbu is the one who can make me truly happy."

Jane: "And what about Suresh's feelings? He's going to be devastated when he finds out. And what happens if Anbu turns out to be the wrong choice?"

Ilakiya: "I know it's not going to be easy, but I can't continue living in a relationship that makes me miserable. I'm willing to take that risk for my own happiness. And I believe that Anbu is the right choice for me."

Jane: "Ilakiya, I just don't want you to get hurt. But if this is truly what you want, I'll support you. But please, be honest with both Suresh and Anbu about your feelings and be prepared for the consequences that may arise from it."

"Thank you, Jane. I appreciate your understanding and support. I'll make sure to handle this as sensitively as possible. Could you do me this one small, no big favor once?... Please," pleaded Ilakiya.

There was another pause, and Ilakiya held her breath. "Okay," Jane said finally. "I'll do it. But only because I care about you and I want you to be happy."

"Thank you so much, Jane," Ilakiya said, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. "I really appreciate it. Love you."

"Just make sure you resolve this issue at the soonest." Jane replied.

"I will, I promise," Ilakiya said, feeling guilty for deceiving both Suresh and Anbu.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Life of Ilakiya : Chapter 9 : The Holiday Plan

Anbu was already neck-deep in love with Ilakiya, he couldn't seem to have enough time with her. He was always left wanting more, and he longed to spend more time with her and get to know her better.
So one day, Anbu proposed that they go on a holiday to Genting Highlands and spend the weekend there. It was a romantic and exciting idea, and Anbu was hopeful that Ilakiya would agree.

But to his disappointment, Ilakiya refused. 

Anbu couldn't believe his ears when Ilakiya turned down his proposal to go on a holiday together. He had been dreaming of a weekend away with her, just the two of them, and he was heartbroken that she wasn't interested.

"Why not, Ilakiya?" he asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. "Don't you want to spend some time together away from all the distractions of everyday life?"

Ilakiya hesitated, fidgeting with her hands. "It's not that I don't want to, Anbu," she said softly. "I just have to check in with my uncle every day. He's very protective, and I'm afraid he'll worry if I'm gone for a whole weekend."

Anbu knew that Ilakiya had been hesitant to go on the holiday with him, and he wanted to find a way to reassure her and show her how much he cared about her. 

So every day, he would send her sweet texts and messages, reminding her of how much he loved her and how much he wanted to spend the weekend with her.

"Ilakiya, I can't stop thinking about you and the holiday we talked about. I know you're hesitant, but I promise you that it will be worth it. I just want to spend more time with you. Please consider coming with me, I'll do everything in my power to make it a trip you'll never forget."

Anbu was hopeful and patient, and he waited for Ilakiya's response. He knew that she had a lot on her mind, and he didn't want to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable.

After a month of persuasion, Ilakiya finally agreed to go on the holiday with Anbu. Despite her fear and hesitation, she knew that she couldn't resist the chance to be with him and spend more time together. She had grown to love Anbu deeply, and she couldn't wait to spend a whole weekend with him.

Anbu couldn't believe his luck when Ilakiya agreed to go on a holiday with him. He had been hopelessly in love with her for months, and now he finally had the chance to spend an entire weekend with her. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Ilakiya?" he asked, trying to hide his excitement. "We don't have to go if you're not comfortable."

Ilakiya hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. "I'm sure," she said softly.

Ilakiya looked up at Anbu, her eyes searching his. She saw the sincerity and love in his gaze, and she knew that she couldn't keep denying her feelings any longer.

"Okay, Anbu," she whispered, a small smile crossing her lips. "I'll go on the holiday with you. I'm ready to take a chance on us."

Anbu's face lit up with joy, and he pulled Ilakiya into a hug. "Thank you, Ilakiya," he said, kissing the top of her head. 

As they pulled away from each other, Ilakiya couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Little did she knew that this weekend trip would be a turning point in their relationship.

Digital Serenade

 In the quiet corners of our shared space, She dances, lips moving to a silent song, Capturing hearts in the digital embrace, A crowd of str...