Saturday, June 8, 2024

In Shadows Deep

 In shadows deep, where fears reside,

I grapple with the storm inside,

Lonely whispers, silent cries,

Beneath a mask of brave disguise.

Immaturity, my thorn to bear,

In love's domain, it strips me bare,

A fragile heart, a jealous mind,

In every glance, despair I find.

Her beauty, like a beacon bright,

Draws strangers' praise, ignites my fright,

Insecure, I cling, I yearn,

For trust and peace, for lessons learned.

Why should I feel this crushing weight?

Is trust in love a twist of fate?

I know her heart, it's mine to hold,

Yet fears of loss leave me cold.

To be myself, yet strive to grow,

To learn the strength I need to show,

For in her eyes, I'm more than this,

A love that's sealed with every kiss.

I'll cast aside these chains of doubt,

Embrace the path, the journey out,

With open heart, I'll find my way,

To brighter dawns, to love's pure day.

Digital Serenade

 In the quiet corners of our shared space, She dances, lips moving to a silent song, Capturing hearts in the digital embrace, A crowd of str...